Friday 28 December 2012

38. Miri

Puri~Puri~Puri~! High✰Tension Cute!~ I’ve put my spell on you \ ( > v < ) \

Now that I have your attention, hello readers of the Mini Cherry blog! My name is Miri Purin! But you may call me Miri or whatever suits your fancy. This is definitely exciting to be writing my first blog entry as a Mini Cherry, it feels so real now! This first entry will be short, sweet, and to the point. 

I have been dancing for the vast majority of my life as well as singing but in I would say the last 5 years, I’ve really started to take it seriously, trying to improve and all that. It was also 5 years ago when my fascination with Japanese culture began. I was just so intrigued by the whole “aidoru" culture as it were. Basically all I listened to for 2 years straight was anything that came out from Hello!Project haha. My obsession progressed into being more interested into Japanese fashion and things like anime and manga. But, now that I’ve found O!P, I’ve most definitely rekindled my love for all things idol!

For the time that I will be a Mini Cherry, my main focus I think will be my dancing. Honestly, I’ve been taking dance classes for 13 years now and I am just the worst! When I watched cherries’ acceptance video I just couldn’t believe all of the amazing dance talent I saw! And then it hit me that I am no where up to par with the rest of the girls orz ;;. Everyone is so supportive and encouraging though! I know with everyone’s help, we are all going to improve so so much. 

And, do you know what you will not lose to me in? Energy! ENERGY!! I do try to tone myself down around others and people that may find me annoying but, when I can, I am High✰Tension Cute!~ I want to be able to bring a smile to everyone’s faces, there’s no room for sadness, only cheerfulness!

Well, this is all I have to say for now everyone. I hope to see you all next time!

Stay happy, stay cute! Puri~Puri~Puri~!
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